Game ID#:21098
Home Team:808 - STP-St. Phillips 3 U8 Coach-Pitch
Away Team:817 - STJ-St. Joe U8 Coach-Pitch
Umpire 1:349 - Robinson, Billy
Umpire 2:
808 - STP-St. Phillips 3 U8 Coach-Pitch:
817 - STJ-St. Joe U8 Coach-Pitch:
808 - STP-St. Phillips 3 U8 Coach-Pitch
Game Lasted:1.5 to 2.0 hours
Game Notes:

Originally scheduled 5/6. Rained out. Original umpire Gratz(462). Gratz not available 5/21.
Edit History:
Ashley Hansen/rgsl edited 05/23/2024 02:45:02 PM using Netscape 5
Ashley Hansen/rgsl edited 05/23/2024 02:44:41 PM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 05/16/2024 07:25:32 AM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 05/09/2024 05:37:42 PM using Netscape 5
Ashley Hansen/rgsl edited 05/09/2024 01:37:03 PM using Netscape 5


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