Game ID#:20798
Home Team:810 - PET-Petersburg U10 COMP
Away Team:643 - OWE-Owensville U10 COMP
Umpire 1:349 - Robinson, Billy
Umpire 2:
810 - PET-Petersburg U10 COMP:
643 - OWE-Owensville U10 COMP:
810 - PET-Petersburg U10 COMP
Game Lasted:1.5 or less hours
Game Notes:

Time moved to 7 per umpire scheduler request.(4/6)
Edit History:
Echo Petty/rgsl edited 05/23/2024 10:27:14 PM using Netscape 5
Echo Petty/rgsl edited 05/23/2024 10:26:56 PM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 04/16/2024 08:54:40 PM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 04/07/2024 05:59:37 PM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 04/06/2024 08:21:49 PM using Netscape 5


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