Game ID#:20694
Home Team:019 - HAU-Haubstadt 1 U8 COMP
Away Team:818 - OWE-Owensville 1 U8 COMP
Umpire 1:310 - Schmitt, Tim (Slow)
Umpire 2:
019 - HAU-Haubstadt 1 U8 COMP:
818 - OWE-Owensville 1 U8 COMP:
019 - HAU-Haubstadt 1 U8 COMP
Game Lasted:1.5 to 2.0 hours
Game Notes:

Edit History:
Bryan Bittner/rgsl edited 04/15/2024 08:22:50 PM using Netscape 5
Bryan Bittner/rgsl edited 04/15/2024 08:22:22 PM using Netscape 5
Jeff Locker/rgsl edited 04/05/2024 08:03:02 PM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 04/05/2024 05:05:58 PM using Netscape 5
games/rgsl edited 04/03/2024 07:09:02 PM using Netscape 5


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