Game ID#:20837
Home Team:861 - STR-Stringtown 2 U12 COMP
Away Team:860 - STR-Stringtown 1 U12 COMP
Umpire 1:468 - Wilkerson, Nick
Umpire 2:
861 - STR-Stringtown 2 U12 COMP:
860 - STR-Stringtown 1 U12 COMP:

Game Lasted:
Game Notes:

Time changed from 6:00 to 7:30 per Steven P.(4/8 12:50 am)
Edit History:
records/RGSL edited 04/08/2024 09:18:24 AM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 04/08/2024 09:11:47 AM using Netscape 5
records/RGSL edited 04/04/2024 07:08:03 PM using Netscape 5


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